Dungeon Faster is a dungeon crawling, turn-based strategy, roguelike card game from hell!
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(Android - For most Android based phones and tablets.
See download page for specific requirements.)
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See download page for specific requirements.)
Game Description
- Independent dungeon exploring with lots of chambers to explore!
- Auto saving in each room! Play and pause at will!
- A ton of content is locked away!
- Hero advancement!
- Deck construction!
- Looting!
- No pay to win and completely free to play!
HEROES: You can play a variety of characters. Every character is distinct! Try out the charming Paladyna or the cunning Thiefo!
CARDS: Create a unique deck to vanquish your adversaries! You can permanently upgrade your cards, so you'll constantly be getting stronger.
DUNGEON: Explore a large, deep dungeon that is filled with valuable riches. But take care! Someone else owns that prize, and they won't like you stealing it!
ARTIFACTS: The dungeon is full of objects that could benefit or harm you.
ENEMIES: A group of terrible monsters enraged by the strange names their parents gave them! Wherewulf! Zombiebie! Skeletoon!
FIGHT: Before taking on the monster, power up as much as you can! If you're incredibly powerful, you could kill him in one blow! If you're incredibly frail, you might be the one who is instantly killed!