How many dumb ways can you die?
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Game Description
Play 82 hysterical mini-games as you try to acquire every adorably stupid figure for your railway station, rack up points, and unlock the infamous music video that began it all.
- Why is his hair on fire in the game?
- Why not simply run?
- Immediately wipe any vomit off your screen.
- Hold that swaying glue eater in place.
- Move the piranhas away from those priceless organs.
- Get back from the edge of the platform you fools!
- Have patience at level crossings.
- Don't cross the rails!
- Best not welcome that psycho killer inside.
- Carefully remove forks from toasters.
- Assist self-taught pilots.
- Swat wasps before it's too late!
- Who knew rattlesnakes could be so particular about their mustard?
And loads more!