Rescue Team 13: Heist of the Century Collector's Edition

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Rescue Team 13: Heist of the Century Collector's Edition

Save precious items of art while also putting a halt to a wave of natural calamities!

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  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 634 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

Priceless works of art by artists ranging from Warhol to Van Gogh are missing from galleries throughout the world! Worse, natural disasters are occuring concurrently with these horrific heists! Global authorities do the only thing they can to find out who is behind this heinous crime spree and stop the destruction: they activate the Rescue Team!


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Rescue Team 13: Heist of the Century Collector's Edition - Screen 1 Rescue Team 13: Heist of the Century Collector's Edition - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. 50 levels to complete.
  2. Art gallery to fill and view.
  3. Equipment and character upgrades.
  4. Step-by-step tutorial.
  5. 15 bonus levels

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