Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming Collector's Edition

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Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming Collector's Edition

Save people from a natural disasters! In Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming Collector's Edition

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(Secure Download - NO Adware or Spyware!)

  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 345 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

Hurricanes are raging in Sunland! Once again, Stephen Shepard leads an Emergency Crew to help people in their hour of need and get to the bottom of what's going on. The concrete jungle and the ruined sunny city meet them not at all cordially, the hurricane caused significant damage. The heroes will not stop at obstacles and will go to the end to save every single life. But how soon will they realize that what's happening in Sunland is just the tip of the iceberg?


Player Reviews


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Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming Collector's Edition - Screen 1 Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming Collector's Edition - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. Help the rescue team cope with the disaster!
  2. Breathtaking gameplay for any age.
  3. More than 50 levels, many different tasks.
  4. Easy learning, increasing complexity.
  5. Disasters and accidents these days.

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