zombie theme Games

Home > zombie theme Games

Games that include zombies as a central part of the game

DFG Score User Score Game


3.6 / 5

Fight the zombie apocalypse with the biggest and baddest guns!


4.0 / 5

Run for your life in this horrific first-person runner!

7.0 / 10

4.2 / 5

Shooting zombies is nothing new, but Kill Shot Virus still manages to entertain.

9.0 / 10

4.3 / 5

LifeAfter is a rich Mobile survival strategy-MMO packed with imagination and detail

8.5 / 10

4.6 / 5

Grow a garden of anti-zombie plants all across time!

9.5 / 10

4.8 / 5

Mow down the undead with a variety of zombie-zapping plants.


4.5 / 5

Hold a last stand against the zombie horde!


4.6 / 5

Shake off those brain-eating hitchhikers!